Upcoming Events
Tennessee Bylaws
Activity Tips
Fundraising Tips
Regional Directory
Tennessee Map
Driving Directions
Mission Statement
Web Resources
Message Board
Regional Officers
Plans & Corrections


This page exists to note accuracy issues from the newsletter and web page, and to quickly note some ideas we have for future implementation. New content listed below is subject to change depending on regional conditions. - Doug Murphy






The directory on the last page did not print correctly, leaving out email addresses.  To view those addresses, use the directory on this web page.


Several email addresses and phone numbers in the regional officer directory are inaccurate.  Again, please refer to the directory on this web page for more accurate information.



Web page


The president for Chattanooga State is incorrect.


Only one of two co-presidents for Motlow State listed - Joshua Click.  Josh's email address is also inaccurate or misspelled.


Dr. Christine Taylor's entry from Volunteer State includes an inaccurate email address.


Ms. Tanga McCullough's email address of Dyersburg State is unreachable.



Web Plans


When the region completes its region history project I will create a new section on the page for it.  I'd also like to do short bios of some of our former regional officers, and some things they accomplished, and maybe what they've moved on to since then.  If we do this and get some images for a region yearbook we would have a pretty strong sense of history.


Further improvement of the activity tips and fundraising sections will really rely on some input from chapters around the region.  Presently all but one of the activity guides and all of the fundraising tips are from my chapter.  As it stands, those pages are not enough to serve as a useful resource to other chapters.  I can always look around the internet or brainstorm more ideas on my own, but I would really like to include a lot of proven or at least well-designed activities.  That means that the best ideas are going to come from chapter members in the region.


Development of the PTK-specific driving directions page will require some programming work, which I'm partly capable of performing now.  I'll probably work on it around the time our winter newsletter is published (we're looking at a December publishing window, I think).


The web resources page is a little iffy as it stands now.  In the future, I may combine it with a link page to Tennessee chapter websites.  It depends on how well I am able to stock the resource links.


Regional Officer page - I'm considering making a separate page for each officer, which would allow them to post more pictures and notes on one page without cluttering everyone else out.  If I go ahead with this plan, I will wait until there is enough content for the officers to make those pages feel "full".  Also, I'd like to include an expanding menu on the lefthand side, which would keep me from having to list all five journals on the main menu.