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On a local, regional, and national level, members of Phi Theta Kappa have organized our immense resources in our partnership with America's Promise. To learn more about America's Promise, visit their website at http://www.americaspromise.org. America's Promise recently unveiled the Report to the Nation 2001, which outlines the nation's progress in meeting the five promises. The report includes information on Phi Theta Kappa, and is located at http://www.americaspromise.org/RTN/RTN.cfm.

The Honors Institute is over for 2001, and now our members are preparing to act on what they've learned. To refresh yourself on the new study topic; Customs, Traditions and Celebrations: The Human Drive for Community, visit the Society's Honors Study Topic information sheet at http://www.ptk.org/honorsprog/hp_hstg.htm - to access the program guide for the study topic, click on the link at the bottom of the page and input your social security number.

Trying to find your way around the region, but having a hard time? Try these mapping services from Yahoo and Expedia: http://maps.yahoo.com, and http://www.expedia.com. On Yahoo, look to the middle-right of the page and select "driving directions." For Expedia, select maps from the tab menu, then driving directions.

If you're considering a service project that involves art, but want to freshen up on some tutorials, check out the anime drawing page BakaNeko at http://www.bakaneko.com. The tutorials on the page may help you if you want to pass on the art to another.

It takes a lot of money to operate a chapter for a year, especially with two regional and two international conventions each year, not to mention anything your chapter might spend on service projects. The following website is a vault of fund-raising ideas, submitted by members of a mailing list. Visit the site at http://www.fund-raising.com/ideas.html - you might just find what you're looking for.

These are just a few of the innumerable resources on the web. To help you locate new information, try the popular Yahoo! service at http://www.yahoo.com or the lesser known (but more thorough) Google search engine at http://www.google.com.  You can find just about anything using Google - it will even translate a web page into English for you.