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International Candidates Declared

Christy Johnson for International President, Garon Tate for Region 2 Vice President


A Message from Christy Johnson:


            “Nothing happens unless first we dream.” Carl Sandburg reveals a truth in this statement. I am daring to dream, and I want to share that dream with you. I have decided to run for International President of Phi Theta Kappa in April. I look forward to the opportunity to represent my chapter and my region at the upcoming international convention. This past year has been filled with the unexpected. As our lives have been impacted on all levels, we have learned to pull together, to support each other, through times of trial and through times of victory. This spirit of unity and of hope has touched the very foundations of our lives. I am proud to be a part of Phi Theta Kappa and the standards that this organization embodies.
            As we approach the next convention, I look forward to the opportunity to share my goals for the upcoming year. Harvey Mackay said it best when he said, “A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.” It is my goal to reemphasize the importance of education at all levels of an individual’s life, the value of good nutrition and exercise on a daily basis, and the absolute necessity of maintaining balance in both mind and body by making well-informed decisions regarding health care issues. I am currently pursuing a double major in both science and psychology, and it is this perspective that intrigues me in regards to the next Honors Study Topic of “The Dimensions and Directions of Health: Choices in the Maze.” It will be a tremendous opportunity to investigate the traditions of modern “Western” technologies and medicines, as well as the mysticism of the “Eastern” philosophies of spirituality and harmony.
            The experiences that Phi Theta Kappa offers to every member can last a lifetime. During the past year, whether at the International Honors Institute, the regional leadership conference in Maryville, or at weekly meetings on campus, there has always been an atmosphere of energy. Friendships are forged through the pursuit of a common purpose, memories emerge to encourage us onward, and dreams are realized through the commitment to ourselves and to others. Phi Theta Kappa offers opportunities to grow for those who reach out and take hold of their dreams. I am rising to meet this challenge with hope, imagination, and belief, not only in others, but also in myself to pursue our dreams with diligence and determination.
            It is with the greatest respect that I acknowledge that we are all winners. Whether as individuals or as part of a team effort, working together toward a common goal or dream, we are all a part of the same “family of champions.” I look forward to receiving the advice, support and encouragement of fellow Phi Theta Kappans during the coming weeks. Jimmy Carter stated that, “We become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic, different people, beliefs, yearnings, hopes, and dreams.” I look forward to representing our mosaic, as chapters, as regions, and as an international organization, united in purpose, strength, and a common vision for the future.

A Message from Garon Tate:


            Greetings fellow Tennessee Region Phi Theta Kappans. I am sure all of you are working hard to prepare for this year's international convention. As we busily work to ensure that this is truly a great event, I would like to quickly introduce myself. I am Garon Tate, the president for Alpha Beta Mu chapter at Chattanooga State Technical Community College. This year I am going to have the honor and the privilege of running for the office of Region 2 Vice President at this convention. I believe this will be a great opportunity for not only myself but for our entire region as well.
            My desire to run for office started at last years convention in Denver. There I was able to closely observe the process of campaigning and election. I realized that I wanted to do this. If elected, I will not only be able to help our region in a greater way, but also the entire organization as well. My goal as a Phi Theta Kappan is to be the best member I can be in whatever way that I can. Whether it is a big job or a small one I strive for excellence in each.
            Finally, a major reason I desire this office is because I like to meet people and listen to new ideas. I believe that is the most important thing a leader of any organization can do. I look forward to meeting new people and hearing their ideas as I campaign. I also look forward to seeing each of you in Nashville for a time of hard work and great fellowship.

Sincerely, Garon Tate
Region 2 Vice President Candidate

Regional Convention News 

            The Delta Zeta Chapter at Hiwassee is looking forward to hosting our “Mini-Regional Convention” this year.  With everyone focusing on being great hosts to those that will visit our state at the International Convention this year, we just do not have the time to have a traditional-length regional convention. 

            While our chapter will send out detailed information in early March, do count on the following.  The convention will be held in the fellowship hall of Pennington United Methodist Church, which is just next to the Opryland complex, on the evening of Tuesday, April 2.  For those of you who are veterans of the previous Regional Convention held prior to the International Convention four years ago, this is the same place!  We know that many of you will have worked hard all day or driven long distances so we want this to be a very casual evening.  We will have pizza, salad, drink and dessert beginning at 6:00 p.m.  Remember, the region is picking up all costs associated with the dinner.  We do ask that you give us as accurate a head-count as possible by Friday, March 22 (communicate with Art Fowler at 423-442-2001x1275 or fowlera@hiwassee.edu). 

            The program itself will start at 7:00 p.m.  The rest of the evening will be spent tending to essential regional matters (e.g., elections, awards, installation of officers) and being energized by a representative from the international office.  We look forward to seeing you on April 2!